January 22, 2023

Whether you’re a resolution person or not, it’s always fun to see what personal and professional goals get sparked by the New Year. And while we can likely guess the major themes among our closest friends and coworkers — read more, save money, eat healthier, etc. — we were curious what the front-line heroes in MU Health Care’s hospitals and clinics had on their resolution list.
Turns out, doctors, when they’re not busy saving lives and researching ways to save even more lives, are just like us. Here what they had to say:
1. Limit the Screens
The Resolution: No phone or electronics of any kind for at least two hours every night.
The Why: We live in a digital world, which makes it far too easy for us to be attached to our phones all day, every day. Going for a walk or a run, sitting down to dinner with family or just having a period of time unencumbered does wonders to decompress from the stresses of daily life and the digital world. — Dr. Clayton Nuelle, orthopaedic surgeon
2. Prioritize Reading
The Resolution: Find more time to read or listen to audiobooks.
The Why: With a busy schedule at work and with family and kids, it’s sometimes hard to prioritize meetings, self-care, working out, family time and reading. I have a list of must-read books. Now, I have to find the time to read them. — Dr. Ravi Shankar, former MU Health Care child and adolescent psychiatrist
3. Start With a Salad
The Resolution: Eat a low-calorie salad at the start of every meal.
The Why: First, I don't get enough fresh vegetables and second, I sometimes have a habit of eating too much at meals. So if I make a salad with as many different colored fresh vegetables as possible and eat that before I make rest of my meal, I eat less. We’re actually going to do this together as a family so we are eating healthier together. — Dr. Brian Bostick, cardiologist
4. Build a “Sweet” Family Tradition
The Resolution: Become a novice beekeeper.
The Why: I recently took an “Introduction to Beekeeping” course through Princeton last fall. My aunt, a master beekeeper, has helped me cultivate this new goal. I feel like this could be a hobby I can share with my daughter and son as they grow up. Also, I think my wife would enjoy some fresh honey for her baking! — Dr. James Landreneau, ophthalmologist
5. Explore the Community
The Resolution: Get to know the Columbia, Missouri “COMO” community and meet someone new every month.
The Why: We live in a high-stress world with constant thriving to achieve excellence, which makes it easy for us to not pay attention to our well-being. Being a new member of the community, I would like to relate more to COMO and develop a network that helps me enjoy life outside of work as well. — Dr. Rony Marwan, pediatric surgeon
Next Steps and Useful Resources
- Your turn to make a resolution? Check out New Year’s Resolutions Your Doctor Wishes You’d Make.
- Already struggling with your resolution? Check out Why Is It So Hard to Keep Resolutions (And How to Change Your Ways).