December 19, 2024

Whether you believe in New Year’s resolutions or not, it’s always fun to see the goals and motivations others set for a fresh start — especially from those who dedicate their careers to health and wellness. That’s why we asked our doctors to share their own resolutions for 2025.
Here’s what they’re focusing on this year:
1. Soak Up the Pet Snuggles
The Resolution: Lay on the floor with my dog as much as possible.
The Why: Dogs are angels sent from Heaven, but also, there are serious health benefits, such as stress reduction, lower blood pressure and better sleep. — Dr. Jack Campbell, urologist
2. Get Those Gains
The Resolution: Compete on the World Powerlifting Championship platform.
The Why: I'm a gym junkie, and I especially love pushing around heavy weight! — Dr. Komal Ashraf, neurologist
3. … But Don’t Cheat the Gains
The Resolution: Never skip leg day in the exercise schedule.
The Why: While running onto the court after Mizzou’s basketball win over Kansas, I realized my legs are not as young as they used to be in college. MIZ! — Dr. Jonathan Heidt, emergency medicine doctor
4. Befriend the Stairs
The Resolution: Shun elevators and take the stairs.
The Why: I want to burn calories so I can eat more pie. — Dr. Marc Shelton, cardiologist
5. Chef it Up
The Resolution: Cook at home more often (especially my favorites of frozen tuna or salmon steaks or authentic Italian dishes made from scratch).
The Why: Cooking at home is generally healthier than eating out, as restaurants tend to overload on salt and butter. It’s more economical these days as well. — Dr. Mark Gilbert, otolaryngologist
6. Think Mind Before Mouth
The Resolution: Be more mindful of what I eat.
The Why: I often eat when my mouth is bored, I’m trying to stay awake or for other reasons besides hunger. I'd like to be more thoughtful about the foods I put in my mouth and why I'm doing it. — Dr. Pauline Bridgeman, internal medicine doctor
7. Set Work-Life Boundaries
The Resolution: Leave work at work.
The Why: Because who wants to bring work home anyways? (Unless it’s bringing home leftover cookies and donuts from the break room.) — Dr. Ebby Varghese, physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor
8. Find the Joy
The Resolution: Find more joy in performing the daily maintenance of life activities (cooking, meal prep, laundry, dishes, etc.).
The Why: Life is too short to only find joy in the highlight reel activities. — Dr. Ashley Jenkins, dermatologist
9. … And Then Find More Joy
The Resolution: To live in the moment and look for the little moments of joy, happiness and connection.
The Why: I’ve spent my entire life working toward some goal, and every time I accomplish it, I ask, “Now what?” I want to be more intentional about the little moments. One can get obsessed with climbing the mountain but if the only time of joy is when you summit, life will leave you unsatisfied. — Dr. Courtney Barnes, OB/GYN
- Want more? Check out our resolutions from 2024 and 2023.
- Want some extra motivation to stick to your resolution? See our tips.